Hobbies/Activities: Karate, rock climbing, hunting, camping, work (yeah right)
Tokui (favorite) Kata: Kanku Dai
Reason you began studying: I was an avid Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fan
Outstanding Karate Memories/Moments: The first time I walked into the dojo I was scared to death. I am pretty sure that I told my mom that if she loved me she wouldn't make me do this. (She did, and I am glad)
Future Goals(karate and otherwise): Graduate college (twice), Practice five times a week
Current emphasis of karate study (your own biggest problem area you are
trying to overcome or the focus your study is taking): I am trying to bridge the gap between kata and kumite
Favorite Karate Saying/Slogan: Do practice, do practice, do practice
Karate Tournament Wins/Tournament Participation/Records/Honors: I have been to a few tournaments, but that was a long time ago and all of my trophies and medals are boxed up somewhere.
Favorite Karate Book: Living the Martial Way by Forrest E. Morgan
Date Awarded Shodan (1st Black Belt): December, 1995 |